Special Message from Green Umbrella Board

Do you care about the environment and have something to say about it? Want to be featured in the Spec? Columbia Green Umbrella (GU) is looking for submissions for a semi-regular column to be run in the Columbia Spectator about environmental issues. These can be related to one of the GU groups, or simply your own personal thoughts about any issue related to the environment, sustainability, or other “green” issues. These submissions should be of appropriate length and format for a Spectator editorial (approximately 500 words). Submissions will be reviewed by Green Umbrella board members and Spectator editing staff. We look forward to your ideas!

All submissions should be sent to cugreenumbrella@gmail.com. Feel free to pass this on to club members, classmates, colleagues, or friends who are interested in environmental and sustainability issues.

Columbia University Green Umbrella Board

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